Wednesday 24 December 2014

PeopleSoft demonstrations at UKOUG APPS14

It is our pleasure to share with you some PeopleSoft insights that we presented during the UK Oracle User Group APPS14 conference held from 8th - 10th December. We successfully demonstrated practical solutions and tools that transform enterprise performance. Below is a brief synopsis about our involvement.

If you require more details, please feel free to contact our PeopleSoft Consulting Practice on We will be in touch shortly to determine if we can assist you in any way with your Oracle, PeopleSoft or Fusion requirements.

APPS14 is the UK Oracle User Group’s Applications Conference & Exhibition 2014 and is the largest event that UKOUG delivers for this community. The conference took place from 8th - 10th December. Over 800 attendees came together at the ACC Liverpool to expand their Oracle knowledge through an extensive agenda and learn about the latest products on the market from the leading Oracle Applications vendors.

PeopleSoft @ UKOUG APPS14
The PeopleSoft agenda covered four streams (Human Resources, Financials, Global Payroll and Technology) presented over two days. Speakers from Oracle, end users and suppliers focused on product development, real world experiences and innovative ideas.

The agenda for PeopleSoft included:
·         The PeopleSoft Community Keynote was delivered by Gwennan Goriot on an update about the Oracle PeopleSoft product line.
·         Graham Smith demonstrated the PeopleSoft Portal to delegates.
·         Mark Thomas presented a session on the best practices in PeopleSoft 9.2 upgrade.
·         An open Q&A discussion lead by Gwennan Goriot allowed delegates to put their questions to Oracle
·         Roundtables brought together like-minded delegates to discuss challenges particularly focusing on Upgrades.

Kovaion presented 2 sessions on PeopleSoft and also took part in the Round table discussion.
·         PeopleTools 8.5x – The New Experience
o   Oracle-PeopleSoft is determined and bringing new features to PeopleTools. More than 1000 new enhancements have been added by Oracle on PeopleTools 8.5x (including new applications). Kovaion demonstrated the practical usage of PeopleTools Portal Technologies (Related Content), Integration Technologies (REST based service with JSON) and PT 8.54 Fluid MSS page/dashboard.

·         Automate PeopleSoft Testing
o   Application testing is one of the many challenges organizations face as part of a new implementation, upgrade or system changes. Complex as it is, testing involves ensuring that the application delivers expected results in the areas of functional specifications, user interface interactions, security and performance. Kovaion, using practical experience gained in the field, showcased the ROI on testing automation and  test methodologies. We also demonstrated the capabilities of PeopleSoft Test Framework for Regression Testing together with JMeter for Performance testing. Watch this space for the launch of our PeopleSoft Test Factory.

·         9.2 Upgrade Planning & Execution Open Discussion
o   PeopleSoft 9.2 has generated a huge amount of interest with users – with over 1,000 new features including the new fluid mobile approach. This round table focused on bringing together a number of users that have either completed or are currently undertaking an upgrade. They  discussed  their challenges from business case inception to successful deployment. Mark Thomas (Hays) hosted the discussion with Nanda Kumar(Kovaion), Graham Smith (Oxfam), Adrian Nuttall (Oceaneering) and Chris Pannell (Allen & Overy) as panel members.

Kovaion has been helping companies transform their IT landscape by providing services around ERP, Analytics, Cloud, Mobility and Testing.  As a trusted partner, we offer services with greater flexibility and are different by virtue of our determination, conviction and creativity in handling customer requirements. We provide niche services on the terms of consulting, implementation, upgrade, training and staffing. Let us know if we can help you or get in touch via

Wish you merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year ! ! ! 

Nanda Kumar
Founder & Director
Kovaion Consulting
m: +44 (0) 75741 64244

“Had a good show at UKOUG APPS14 Conference. Follow #ukoug_apps14

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Peoplesoft Outlook Integration

What is Outlook Integration?
Outlook Integration enables integration between PeopleSoft and Microsoft Outlook to schedule meetings and appointments. It makes things easy for organizations predominantly engaged with MS Outlook to schedule meetings driven by PeopleSoft data.
Utility Benefit:
·         Keeps communications and schedules in an organised way.
·         Simple and easy to configure & maintain.
·         Increases the productivity by tightly coupling PeopleSoft data and Outlook schedule.
·         Fast, effective and two-way integration keeps processes simple and reduces duplication
Sample Business Scenarios:
·         In Talent Acquisition Manager (TAM) manage interview schedules, interview directly in MS Outlook with updates applied on candidate records. Quickly link emails, schedules interview and adds attachments to candidates
·         MS Outlook can be integrated with PeopleSoft HR Notification to schedule meetings.
·         Absence takes can be requested by entering absence requests through Microsoft Outlook.
Implementation Steps for outlook plug in:
·         Install the PeopleSoft Outlook Plug in
·         Configure outlook menu in PeopleSoft settings and option add on menu. (Refer fig 1 for configuration details)
·         Make Setups based on each module (TAM, Absence Management, ePerformance etc.)
Prerequisites for PeopleSoft outlook Plugin:
To enable the communication and interaction between Microsoft Outlook and the PeopleSoft system, following are required:
·        The Microsoft Add-In—Represented in the PeopleSoft Outlook menu and handles all of the communication and information within Microsoft Outlook.
·        The PeopleSoft Outlook URL Handler—An external Windows application that allows you to drill into Microsoft Outlook directly from the PeopleSoft system.
How to get the PeopleSoft Outlook Plug-in?
The plug-in can be found as compressed files in the PeopleSoft path: "<<PeopleSoft Installation HomeDirectory>>\src\DesktopIntegration". Users can extract the various integration objects (Outlook Add-In, Outlook URL Handler or Word Add-In) and install.

PeopleSoft Outlook Menu:

After installing the PeopleSoft Outlook plug-in, user can see in the outlook, a new menu option PeopleSoft as shown in below screen.

Configuration: User can define the integration options with PeopleSoft and the other required setups like server details, User ID, Email Account, etc.

Based on the features selected, the relevant appointments, tasks, scheduling etc. will be possible from outlook. All the features that can be used from PeopleSoft to Outlook are covered under Enterprise components-Desktop Integration

}  Task- A task is a way for something to be queued up and put into the user’s tasks.
}  Task Queue- You can use the queue to manually add tasks to a user's Microsoft Outlook task list.
}  Appointment- Define the defaults for the user's appointments, invitations, and calendar.
}  Appointment Queue- To review the appointment queue, monitors integration transactions, or manually adds/updates meetings and appointments.
}  File Transfer- Set up file transfer registration.
}  File Transfer Queue- To review what you previously defined as defaults in your file transfers.
}  Address Book- To Register your address book.
}  Dynamic Displays- Dynamic Displays allow the display of information from your PeopleSoft system alongside items in Microsoft Office. You can use Dynamic Displays to show any information contained within the PeopleSoft system and those displays can optionally be shown automatically alongside the Microsoft Office items.

PeopleSoft and Outlook Integration Solutions

Out of Box integrations
   Out of the box, Oracle-PeopleSoft calendar integrations are available for modules like Absence      Management, ePerformance, Talent Acquisition Manager.
Let’s look at the calendar Integration with TAM.

Calendar integration with TAM: PeopleSoft delivered the setup for integrating TAM with    outlook. Three options are provided to user: Full Integration, Partial Integration and No   Integration.
Navigation: Setup HCM > Install>Product Specific>Recruiting Installation

  • Full Integration: It is a two way integration between Microsoft Outlook and PeopleSoft which updates data changes in PeopleSoft when changed from Outlook.
  • Partial Integration: Sends two notifications to the applicants: .ics attachment and regular notification. Send’s regular notification to Interviewers.Below screen shots show the mails received by the applicant triggered by selecting Partial Integration while scheduling the interview of the applicant.

Below screen shots show the mails received by the applicant triggered by selecting Partial Integration while scheduling the interview of the applicant.

  • No Integration: Disables calendar integration with outlook
  • Customization: It is possible to integrate Outlook with People code using Icalendar.Icalendar is a file format which allows Internet users to send meeting requests and tasks to other users. Below is the sample code 

import PT_MCF_MAIL:*;
/*Declare variables*/
Local string &dateStr = DateTimeToLocalizedString(%Date, "MM/dd/yyyy");
Local string &dateStamp = DateTimeToLocalizedString(%Datetime, "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss");
/*Receiver and sender email id*/
Local string &mail_to = "";
Local string &organizer = "";
Local string &desc = "TEST";
&dateStr1 = DateTimeValue(&dateStr | " 2:00 PM");
&dateStr2 = DateTimeValue(&dateStr | " 5:00 PM");
/*Prepare date formats required for .ics format*/
&tempTime = DateTimeToTimeZone(&dateStr1, "Local", "UTC");
&dtstart = DateTimeToLocalizedString(&tempTime, "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'");
&tempTime = DateTimeToTimeZone(&dateStr2, "Local", "UTC");
&dtend = DateTimeToLocalizedString(&tempTime, "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'");
&tempTime = DateTimeToTimeZone(%Datetime, "Local", "UTC");
&dtstamp = DateTimeToLocalizedString(&tempTime, "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'");
Local string &str = Char(13);
Local string &icalstr = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "PRODID:-//Prod ID//PeopleCode vCal 1.0//EN" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "VERSION:2.0" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "METHOD:PUBLISH" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "X-MS-OLK-FORCEINSPECTOROPEN:TRUE" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "BEGIN:VEVENT" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "ATTENDEE;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:" | &mail_to | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "ORGANIZER:MAILTO:" | &organizer | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "DTSTART:" | &dtstart | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "DTEND:" | &dtend | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "LOCATION:Conference Room" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "TRANSP:OPAQUE" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "DTSTAMP:" | &dtstamp | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "CATEGORIES:Meeting" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "DESCRIPTION:Meeting Request" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "SUMMARY:" | &desc | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS:BUSY"| &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr |  "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-IMPORTANCE:1"| &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr |  "X-MICROSOFT-DISALLOW-COUNTER:FALSE"| &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "X-MS-OLK-AUTOFILLLOCATION:TRUE"| &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "X-MS-OLK-CONFTYPE:0"| &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "PRIORITY:5" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "BEGIN:VALARM" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "TRIGGER:PT15M" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "ACTION:DISPLAY" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "DESCRIPTION:Reminder" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstring | "END:VALARM" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "END:VEVENT" | &str;
&icalstr = &icalstr | "END:VCALENDAR";
Local PT_MCF_MAIL:MCFOutboundEmail &email = create PT_MCF_MAIL:MCFOutboundEmail();
&email.From = &organizer;
&email.Recipients = &mail_to;
&email.Subject = "Task " | &desc;
&email.AddHeader("", "method=PUBLISH");
&email.AddHeader("", "charset=UTF-8");
&email.AddHeader("", "component=VEVENT");
&email.ContentType = "multipart/alternative";
rem &email.ContentType = "text/calendar";
Local PT_MCF_MAIL:MCFBodyPart &text = create PT_MCF_MAIL:MCFBodyPart();
&text.Text = " ";
&text.ContentType = "text/calendar";
Local PT_MCF_MAIL:MCFBodyPart &iCal = create PT_MCF_MAIL:MCFBodyPart();
&iCal.Text = &icalstr
&iCal.AddHeader("content-class", "urn:content-classes:calendarmessage");
&iCal.AddHeader("content-ID", "calendar_message");
&iCal.ContentType = "text/calendar;method=PUBLISH; charset=UTF-8";
Local PT_MCF_MAIL:MCFMultipart &mp = create PT_MCF_MAIL:MCFMultipart();
&mp.SubType = "alternative; differences=Content-type";
rem &mp.AddBodyPart(&text);
&email.MultiPart = &mp;
&resp = &email.Send();

Limitations of PeopleSoft Outlook Integration:
  • The integration is compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2007 or higher.
  • Not compatible with all type of calendars like lunar calendars.(Icals).
  • The debugging options are limited with Icals as the errors messages generated are generic. In-depth Icals knowledge along with PeopleSoft skillset is required to debug. 

Susan Silvia
Kovaion-Peoplesoft Consulting Practice